DETOXIFICATION (dry herbal in capsule) COMPLEX
A proprietary blend of whole-food extracts in a patented enzyme delivery system that supports healthy cleansing and filtering functions of the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin.
The largest organ of the body, the skin, has a primary protective function against toxic exposure and infection. The lungs help filter the air we breathe from particulates and pollutants. The gastrointestinal perform significant cleansing and filtering of toxins entering our bodies with food. If toxins make it past these organs on the first line of defense, other organs such as the kidneys and liver perform additional filtering functions to rid our bodies of chemicals and pathogens that can cause us harm.
Healthy organs have the capacity to “clean” or “unplug” themselves under normal conditions, but many sub-optimal health conditions of the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs and skin can result from an overexposure and buildup of toxicity in these vital organs.
These products support health cleansing and filtering functions of the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin PLUS they support normal self-detoxification functions of the cleansing organ. They are particular helpful in supporting body to deal with damage to the filter organs.
- 1/3 capsule 2X/day mixed into wet food
Digestive Enzyme Complex is a proprietary blend of active wholefood enzymes and supporting mineral cofactors that are often deficient in cooked, processed, and preservative-laden foods. Digestive Enzyme Complex’s powerful combination of digestive enzymes support the body’s constant production of enzymes critical for healthy biochemical functions throughout the body including healthy digestion of food nutrients and cellular metabolism of nutrients to energy.
Fresh, raw foods naturally contain sufficient enzymes for proper digestion in the body. However, when food is cooked and processed, these naturally occurring food enzymes can be destroyed.
Primary Benefits
- Supports healthy digestion and metabolism of enzyme-deficient processed foods
- Speeds conversion of food nutrients to cellular energy
- Promotes gastrointestinal comfort
- Supports healthy production of metabolic enzymes
- Play a critical role in cellular growth, healing, and reproduction.
- Necessary for breathing, thinking, immune function, hormone regulation, detoxification, and thousands of other biochemical functions
- 1/3 capsule 2X/day mixed into wet food
Blend of essential oils combined to support healthy cell biogenesis, function, and renewal. Essential Oil Cellular Complex includes the pure aromatic compounds of frankincense, wild orange {EVEN THOUGH CATS CANNOT METABOLIZE CITRUS OILS – FOR SPECIFIC CELLULAR SUPPORT, THIS BLEND CAN BE BENEFICIAL – USE WITH DETOXIFICATION COMPLEX}, lemongrass, thyme, summer savory, clove, and niaouli that have been shown in clinical studies to support cellular health and vitality. It also includes essential oils from Boswellia frereana (frankincense), lemongrass, summer savory, and niaouli that have been shown to support cellular apoptosis and renewal.
As the basic structure of all living things, cells perform three primary functions: they make copies of themselves, they perform a specialized function, and they self-destruct when they are not performing their first two functions correctly. As we age, cellular function can be compromised by poor nutrition, obesity, stress, and exposure to harmful environmental influences such as infectious microorganisms and toxic chemicals. When cellular DNA and other structures are compromised, cells can fail to regenerate, fail to function as programmed, and fail to initiate the normal and healthy process of cellular turnover and renewal.
When DNA is compromised, cell function can be compromised and unhealthy conditions such as the early onset of degenerative conditions associated with aging can be accelerated.
- 2 drops in capsule 1X/day
(for joint health support)
Delivers polyphenol extracts of frankincense, turmeric, green tea, ginger, pomegranate, and grape seed, and is designed to provide joint health support. It is best to give to cats as a daily supplement.
- 1/4 capsule mixed into wet food 2X/day
- The Missing Link Ultimate Feline Supplement (includes Omega oils)
- Only Natural Pet Ultimate Daily Feline Vitamins Plus (includes Omega oils) – my favorite
- Dr. Harvey’s – has many formulas for need plus a good Omega oil supplement
The time-release double-capsule delivery system protects sensitive probiotic cultures from stomach acid. Probiotic Defense Formula supports healthy digestive functions and immunities. A healthy intestinal tract is critical for optimal digestive function and immune protection.
Friendly intestinal microflora have a symbiotic relationship with host organisms and provide additional immune defense against pathogenic infection of the GI tract. When healthy colonies of friendly bacteria are present in the intestine, they prevent the adherence and colonization of other pathogenic microorganisms that can cause sickness and disease.
Intestinal microflora also play a critical role in the breakdown and absorption of food nutrients. Stress, physical exertion, toxins in our diet, exposure to harmful microorganisms, and the use of antibiotic therapies can pose significant challenges to the colonization and function of friendly microorganism in the gut. When intestinal flora is compromised, our bodies become more prone to infectious pathogens in the gut and our immune system cannot function optimally.
1 capsule daily for 10-12 days in a row. Can be repeated monthly. Do not break open capsule – give by mouth.