It is with great sadness that we must announce that the author and heart
behind The Dog Oiler, Skye Patterson, has passed away. This website
will remain as an educational resource but will no longer be active.
Thank you all for your love and support over these many years.
The articles and information presented on this website are designed to help you make a more informed decision with the health of your pets. For this reason, this website was never meant to be used as a substitute for sound professional advice.
Because the health of your dog can be directly affected by what you read here, you should consult with a licensed veterinary professional before taking any specific action. It’s never been my intention to willfully misrepresent any thing in this website, or, to perpetuate the many myths surrounding the topic of dog nutrition or health information that pervade the Internet. If you discover a material error in any of my reviews, please contact me and provide verifiable proof of my oversight. And, if I’m in agreement with your point, I will gladly correct that error.
Any claim, statistics, or other representation about a product or service recommended on this website should be verified with the manufacturer or other sources before you make any purchase. This website contains links to other websites. Remember, all external links contain content is not controlled by the editor of this site.
It is impossible for me to keep each and every article and review updated on a daily basis. For this reason I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the information you read everywhere on this website. I welcome your feedback and assistance in updating the information I present. And I promise to correct any errors as I discover them or as they are brought to my attention.
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”